Monday, September 27, 2004

Turning Arizona Blue

It will be an exciting, emotional Presidential race.

Over the weekend, I drove with ten volunteers from southern California to Scottsdale, Arizona, in a growing trend sweeping the nation. Non-swing state residents are traveling to help their swing-state neighbors.

Specific to Arizona, the goals are to register new voters, encourage currently registered voters to Vote By Mail, and turn the state Blue (a.k.a. Democratic).

This is a formidable goal, given Arizona's historic Republican tradition. Both of Arizona's Senators are Republican.

But the demography of Arizona is rapidly changing. New residents from states like California have moved in--and in big numbers. Consequently, the electoral mix becomes more progressive and more Democratic. For instance, Arizona elected its first Democratic governor in many years--and a woman to boot.

Additionally, the "ground forces" are engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Something Democrats are best at, according to a Democratic spokesman. This article is worth the read based on her quote alone.

Meanwhile, I will be traveling to Arizona throughout the next 5 weeks doing my best to do my part. You can too. Just get involved and start here.


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